Richard Telfeja

Richard Telfeja

First generation Cuban immigrant 
teaches how to make millions with an eCommerce business.

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."- Albert Einstein 

The first-generation son of hard-working Cuban immigrants, Telfeja was studying to become a financial advisor when he first stumbled upon the world of E-commerce. “I was studying finance at FIU, but was looking for ways to make some extra money,” Telfeja explains. “I had always been interested in business, so when I saw an ad to start my own business, I introduced the idea to my partner. I think what makes us unique is that we had no intention of being entrepreneurs previously, but when hit with an opportunity, we went along with the ride and it ended up completely changing our lives.” 

Going all in

After doing some intense research on coaches, he went half and half on a course with his current business partner Laz Chavez. It was seven hard months confused, frustrated and profitless. Richard and Laz were trying to build an Ecommerce business alongside going to school, working jobs and maintaining their social lives, so the workload was monstrous, but they kept at it. At one point, they finally figured it out. They were too invested in the products they picked before actually testing them. After they let go of this attachment, they tested, evaluated and experimented relentlessly. That's when everything changed for them. Suddenly, they were making hundreds of sales daily and decided to keep expanding their testing mindset. Two years later, they did their first 7 figure month, had finished college, and quit their day jobs to focus all of their efforts into business. Richard realized the true blessing that came from e-commerce. He is able to spend time doing what he finds fulfilling and creating amazing memories with family and friends without having to worry about where the money will come from. That's when Richard realized this blessing is something that CAN and SHOULD be shared with anyone willing to listen and give it a shot.

Learn the exact strategies Laz and Richard used to to make $2+ mil in one month on Shopify and Google and get direct access to him as a mentor and coach.